Stone Age was a time in history when early humans used tools and weapons made
out of stone. In the old stone ages people were se4lf sufficient. The only
necessities were food and shelter. Thus the only skills that were in regard to gathering
, hunting, farming and finding a cave. Their life was simple. It lasted from
when the first stone tools were made , by our ancestors , about 3.4million
years ago.
The stone age is divided into three
periods- Palaeolithic period, Mesolithic period, And the Neolithic Period based
on the degree of sophistication in the
fashion and use of tools. And the exact dates for each periods vary across the
Palaeolithic Period
The old
stone age was known as Palaeolithic age.It lasted from the first use of stones
until the end of the last Ice age. The people of the Paleolithic Period lived simple lives, which consisted
primarily of survival. Man's life was simply to hunt, eat, and survive, while
the woman's job was to gather and watch over the children. The people of the Paleolithic age
were mostly nomads.To survive they had to travel everywhere, and follow the
migration of animald; as the animals were there primary food sources. They had
to eat, to do that they had to kill the animals. They did this by using tools
as weapons. The tools were mainly stone, bone, and ivory.They could make the
weapons into hatchets,knives and spearheads
ž The
important palaeolithic sites in india:
1.Bhimbedka 4. Athirampakkam 7.Nagarjunakonda
1.Bhimbedka 4. Athirampakkam 7.Nagarjunakonda
2.Altamira 5. Chauvet 8.Lascaux
3. Hunsgi 6. Narmadha Valley 9.Kurnool
Mesolithic Period
It is the period in between the Palaeolithic
and Neolithic period .And This was a transition period from Old Stone Age
to New Stone Age.It is the second
period in human history based on the use of microliths. Men’s intelligence and
skill were just growing and the stone implements they started using were much
better than Palaeolithic tools. In this period man began to hunt with the aid
or implements of bone and flint. And
they used bow and arrows for hunting.
They harvested the food grains which
grew wild in some regions.Besides bladelets, burins and end-scrapers were found. A few
bone tools and some ground stone have also been found. Mesolithic people Started domestication of animals
and they began to exchange foods, tools,
ornaments etc
The people in this age highly relied on fishing and hunting. They settled along lake shores and rivers, where they could easily fish. They lived in houses that varied in shape from rectangular to round with sunken floors. The hunter-gatherers in Mesolithic moved seasonally depending on the migration of animals and changes in plant. Most of these people were located along the coast either in semi-permanent or large permanent communities. Hunting served as a source of food and also provided the people with antlers and bones that were used for making weapons and tools. The animal skins were used as clothes, sacks, as well as water carriers.
The people in this age highly relied on fishing and hunting. They settled along lake shores and rivers, where they could easily fish. They lived in houses that varied in shape from rectangular to round with sunken floors. The hunter-gatherers in Mesolithic moved seasonally depending on the migration of animals and changes in plant. Most of these people were located along the coast either in semi-permanent or large permanent communities. Hunting served as a source of food and also provided the people with antlers and bones that were used for making weapons and tools. The animal skins were used as clothes, sacks, as well as water carriers.
ž The important Mesolithic sites in india:
1. Chottanagpur
2. Adangarh
3. Akhaj
Neolithic period
were very crude in nature. But the Neolithic stone objects were pecked, ground,
rubbed and polished; they were far better in finishing as well as in
effectiveness. Man was no longer a food-gatherer, he became a food-producer at
the advent Neolithic
ž The
important Neolithic sites in india:
1.Mehrgarh 5.Sanganakallu,
2.Maski 6.Brahmagiri 10.Tekkalakota,
3.Piklihal 7.Kupgal 11.Hallur
4.Payyampally 8.Burzhahom and Gufkral
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